आइतबार, माघ १३, २०८१

Transportation halts after bridge subsides

मेरोन्यूज २०७८ साउन १४ गते ९:४९

Nuwakot. The incessant rainfall occurred for some days in Nuwakot caused floods and landslides in various parts.


A bridge over a stream near Maithal Training Centre subsided with the floods triggered by the landslides on Wednesday.

It resulted in disruption of transportation from Battar to Bidur, the district headquarters. Even the vehicles heading to Rasuwa are now stranded at Battar.

The floods eroded the land below the bridge causing the bridge collapse at 9:00 pm Wednesday.

Police Inspector Lalita Dhakal from District Police Office informed that even the way towards Battar from Maithali barrack has been obstructed.

It has caused sheer inconvenience to the people. There is no alternative road to continue connectivity between Bidur and Battar. So repair and reconstruction of the damaged road is imperative.

Chief of Division Road Office, Narayan Datt Bhandari, however, informed that efforts were underway to resume the transportation with the repair and reconstruction of road.

Mobilization of human resources and machines is underway, he added. (RSS)
