बुधबार, फागुन ७, २०८१

One-way traffic resumes in BP Highway

मेरोन्यूज २०७८ असार २० गते ९:३०

Banepa. The BP highway has been resumed for traffic after the obstruction due to floods in Mamti river in Roshi rural municipality was cleared.


One-way traffic has been resumed at the joint initiative of police, the rural municipality, road project and locals.

The road section in the border of ward nos 11 and 12 of the rural municipality remained closed since 12:00 midnight on Friday and resumed at 2:30 pm on Saturday, police inspector at Area Police Office, Mangaltar Sherkhar Khadka said.

A dozer was used to clear the sludge gathered on the road and hence one-way traffic was resumed. A large number of vehicles and their passengers had remained stranded as a result. (RSS)
